Introduction: A drug can be defined as any substance that when taken into the living organism may modify one or more of its functions. WHO defines a drug as, "Any substance or product that is used or intended to be used to modify or explore physiological systems or pathological states for the benefit of the recipient”. This definition appears more in compliance with the terms of Āyurveda, which aims at the preservation of good health apart from the mitigation of diseases. The analytical parameters such as organoleptic study, physico-chemical analysis, phytochemical profiling and chromatographic evaluation help in authenticating the quality of drugs and eliminate the adulteration issues.
Materia and Methods: The drug should be selected in such a way that it affects the pathogenesis of the disease. In this study, an Āyurvedic formulation Kşīrabalā Taila has been selected. The analytical parameters such as organoleptic study, physico-chemical analysis, phytochemical profiling and chromatographic evaluation of Kşīrabalā Taila were analysed.
Discussion: Āyurveda medicines are of natural origin and having minimum side effects. Different poly-herbal formulations are part of day-to-day Āyurveda prescription. These are the complex mixtures of more than one herb in a specific amount. Adulteration and substitution of unavailable drugs is a common practice now days. So addition and deletion of any component, whether intentionally or unintentionally, can result in a reduction of therapeutic value, as well as serious health complications. As a result, it has become necessary to testify the poly-herbal formulations using modern research parameters in order to standardize and evaluate their quality.
Conclusion: Phytochemical study of Kșīrabalā Taila shows that it possesses carbohydrates, alkaloids, amino acids, protein, glycosides, steroid and tannins in Kșīrabalā Taila. Lastly, this study is a preliminary assessment of different analytical parameters for Kșīrabalā Taila. There is no data available regarding the analytical study of this formulation. That's why the present study was set as a reference for further researches.
Key Words: Kşīrabalā Taila, Bādhirya,Vāta, Kapha, Rasāyana