Ritu means the season, classified by diverse characteristics convey altered effects on the body as well as the environment. Ayurveda has depicted various rules and regimens (Charya), regarding diet and behaviour to acclimatize seasonal enforcement easily without altering body homeostasis. The prime principle of Ayurvedic system of medicine is preventive aspect, can be achieved by the change in diet and practices in response to change in climatic condition. Acharya’s have mentioned relation of season and disease and different types of formulations are also advised according to season. Season is divided into six parts and each part consists of two months. Seasons also classified to eliminate the morbidity of Dosha in the respective seasons. Strength of the person is highest in Visarga kala in comparison to Adana kala. Different life style and dietetic regimen advised for each season. Time of seven days at the commencement of the season is known as Ritusandhi. It is critical period in which previous regimen should be discontinued gradually and that of subsequent season should be adopted gradually. Seasons influences on body humours resulting into aggravation, accumulation and pacification. Hence one should prescribe appropriate bio purificatory procedures, collect drugs etc. to lead a healthy life. In this review article, various regimens in diet and lifestyle as mentioned in the classics of Ayurveda and their importance on lifestyle disorder has been discussed.
KEYWORDS: Life style, Disease, Adan kala, Visarga kala