In recent years, Twak Vikar (Dermatological manifestations) are common and more so frequent in the elder age. There is a definite increase in its incidence especially, in the tropical region and developing countries like India due to various reasons like unhygienic environmental conditions, poverty, poor sanitation, illiteracy, malnutrition, improper skin care etc. The patients of skin disease are additionally prone to experience physical, emotional & socio-economic embarrassment in the society due to disfigured appearance. Dadru is one of the commonly occurring skin diseases which can be defined as an entity manifested by intractable itching, scaling, erythema with the lesions discoid in shape. Dadru, is a Kapha (Energy that forms the body’s structure) Pitta (Body’s metabolic system) Pradhan Vyadhi. On the basis of clinical features, it has the closest resemblance with dermatophytosis which is a superficial infection caused by a group of fungi. The information for the present study was obtained from various internet sources like research articles and paper presentation documents and research book publications. This review study has been carried out to review about the use of Tuthhadi Lepa in Dadru.
KEYWORDS: Dadru, Dermatophytosis, Tuthhadi Lepa