Background: PMS is a common cause of physical, behavioral and also social dysfunction in women. It may be incapacitating and lead to disruption of work and social life of women. In the conventional method, there is no definite treatment for this ailment. Moreover, treatment 3 mainly depends upon hormonal preparations. These modalities are costlier and have side effects such as insomnia, decreased libido, and early menopause. Aims and objective: To study the Pharmacognotic, Phytochemical and HPTLC of Ashwangandhadi Churna. Material and methods: Pharmacognotical, phytochemical and HPTLC of Ashwangandhadi Churna study has been carried out as per standard protocol. Result: Ashwangandhadi Churna showed the presence of acicular crystals of punarnava,acicular crystals of shatavari,borderpitted vessels of guduchi,border pitted vessels of guduchi,brown cantent of Pippalimoola,collenchyma cells of guduchi,fibres of jatamansi,fibres of pippalimoola,fibres of punarnava,lignified scleroids of haritaki ,lignified vessels of Punarnava,pitted vessels of jatamansi ,pitted vessels of pippalimoola ,pitted vessels of punarnava ,scleroids of haritaki,spiral vessels of shatavari,starch grains of ashwagandha,starch grains of guduchi ,stone cells of haritaki. Methanol extract of Ashwangandhadi Churna at 254 nm the chromatogram showed 9 spot and at 366nm 11 spot. Conclusion: The applied pharmacognostic and HPTLC method has been shown to be selective, linear, precise and accurate. The method will be useful for quality control of the raw material and pharmaceutical preparations.