Saubhagyanadana Ghrita is referred in Abhinava Navjeevana text narrated by Siddhinandana Mishra in Vandhya Chikitsa Adhyaya. It is indicated in almost all types of Vandhya Roga. It also states that usage of this Ghrita doesn’t only cures infertility but also provides a healthy progeny to the lady. Saubhagyanadana Ghrita is an unexplored formulation and so has to be studied in details.
The present study was aimed to set a manufacturing protocol, and to develop pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical profile of Saubhagyanandan Ghrita.
Material and Method
Study included preparation of Saubhagyanandan Ghrita following all SOPs using raw drugs, which were previously authenticated. Later, Saubhagyanandan Ghrita was subjected to pharmacognostical, qualitative parameters and high performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis as per standard protocols.
Result and Discussion
The pharmacognostical study reveals the presence of characteristics features of all the drugs present in the composition. Pharmaceutical analysis showed that specific gravity at 400C is 0.9181, Refractive index at 400C is 1.48, Acid value is 3.352, Saponification value 14.06%, Ester value is 10.708, unsaponifiable matter is 3.88% w/w, iodine value is 81.54g, rancidity test is negative. HPTLC fingerprinting profile of Saubhagyanadana Ghrita revealed 10 spots at 254 nm and 08 spots at 366nm.
The present investigation will be helpful in assessing the pharmacognostical, phytochemical analysis and laying down pharmacopoeial standards for Saubhagyanadana Ghrita.