Jeevaniya Churna is a combination of herbal drugs having a numerous number of references in Ayurveda classics. But its qualitative data hasn’t been explored thoroughly yet. It is mainly useful to treat gynaecological diseases, infertility, repeated abortion and in diseases where according to Ayurveda Vata and Pitta Doshas are vitiated.
To develop pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical profile of Jeevaniya Churna.
Material and Method
Study included preparation of Jeevaniya Churna following all SOPs using raw drugs, which were previously authenticated. Later, Jeevaniya Churna was subjected to pharmacognostical, physicochemical and high performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis as per standard protocols.
Result and Discussion
The pharmacognostical study reveals the presence of crystal fibres, compound starch grains, lignified fibres, prismatic crystals, border pitted vessels, acicular crystal, pitted crystals, epidermal cells, etc. Pharmaceutical analysis showed that the loss on drying value was 3.63%, ash value was 5.3%w/w, water soluble extract was 18.24%, methanol soluble was 10.44%, acid insoluble ash 0.76%, and pH is 10. Methanolic extract of Jeevaniya Churna shows presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, tannin, sugar, steroids, saponin, cardiac glycosides and carbohydrates which can be hypothesized for its estrogenic activity. HPTLC fingerprinting profile of Jeevaniya Churna revealed 17 spots at 254 nm and 13 spots at 366nm.
The present investigation will be helpful in assessing the pharmacognostical, phytochemical analysis and laying down pharmacopoeial standards for Jeevaniya Churna.