In Ayurveda term ‘Kustha’ is having a very broad spectrum; it is not a single disease entity at all but it covers all the aspects of skin disorders. Any disorder in which skin is affected is included under Kustha. Sushruta has termed it as ‘Tvagamaya’. & it is chronic in nature. The causative factors of Kustha can be categorized as – Aharaja Nidana, Viharaja Nidana, Acharaja & Other Nidana. This is a very important factor and has been mentioned by all the Acharyas. Behavioral misconduct, antisocial activities, sinful activities and other punishable activities are considered under this heading.“Unhealthy diet is one key cause of the growing global burden of disease”1Virudha Ahara is responsible for rising cases of skin diseases2.Thus above mentioned Acharajanya factors bring about psychogenic stress which is of prime importance in the pathogenesis of Psoriasis. In Ayurveda, psoriasis has been termed as ‘Eka-kustha’, which is considered as subtype of Kustha. The treatment of Kustha is based on Shodhana (purification) and Shamana (conservative) treatment methods. Nidanatmaka study was conducted at NIA O.P.D, I.P.D., Bombaybala hospital and Satellite hospital in Jaipur, Rajasthan. For this survey total 300 patients of various skin diseases were taken and diagnosed them as per Ayurvedic as well as modern perspective. Patients were surveyed on the basis of duly prepared survey proforma.
KEYWORDS: Kustha (Chronic Plaque Psoriasis), eka-kustha, Kustha Nidana, Virudha Ahara etc.