Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medical system. It was practised by ancient Aryans and is based on the Atharvaveda, one of Hinduism's earliest scriptures. Khalitya is a prevalent illness these days, as well as an aesthetic concern. Kartik acharya originally articulated the distinction between Indralupta, Khalitya, and Ruhya in the Madhavkosha commentary. The function of Pitta and Vata in the formation of Khalitya is emphasised in Ayurveda. This condition can arise on its own or as a sign of morbid Asthidhatu. The majority of ayurvedic authors classified Khalitya as kshudra roga. Khalitya is now thought to be linked to alopecia, and it is more frequent in males than in women. Khalitya is most frequent in people between the ages of 18 and 40. We concentrated on Nidan, Rupa, Samprapti, and Chikitsa of Khalitya in this critical research.