The World Health Organization (WHO) defines malnutrition as "the cellular imbalance between the supply of nutrients and energy and the body's demand for them to ensure growth, maintenance, and specific functions." The term protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) applies to a group of related disorders that include marasmus and kwashiorkor. It is a major public health problem in India. The prevalence of Protein energy malnutrition is 67.7% in India. The prevalence of PEM is high among rural children (71.1%) compared to urban children (64.4%) and this difference is found to be statistically significant. Ayurveda explained diseases related to nutritional deficiency such as Phakka, Parigarbhika, Balashosha etc in different Samhitas. Management principles in Ayurveda can be classified in two categories i.e. Santarpana and Aptarpana. PEM is a deficiency disease and it could be managed by Santarpana. Principle of Santarpana Chikitsa is based on two factors, correction of Agni (digestive power) and nourishment of Dhatu. Thus Agni Chikitsa and Brimhana Chikitsa can be helpful in management of malnourishment.
Keywords: PEM, Balashosha, Karshya, Parigarbhika, Phakka, Nutritional deficiency