Today’s life is called as fast food life due to these requirements of body not fulfilled well. Automatically these affect on the nutritional status of the body occurring disease like PEM, Anaemia etc. Which hamper immunological system.In the wake of COVID 19, an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus, entire mankind across the globe is suffering. Till date, no medicine or therapy has demonstrated promising results in either preventing the disease or improving its prognosis to prevent this infection. The best way of preventing COVID 19 infection are breaking the chain, enhancing an individual’s immunity. The AYUSH ministry has already published a series of measures to improve individual’s natural defence system (immunity).Acharya Kashyapa thousands of years back he explained the terminology of lehan in that administration of gold alone or along with other herbs in a Lehan forms in children for the benefit of improving the intellect, digestion and metabolism, physical strength, immunity, complexion and life span. The concept of Lehan Kalpana explained in detail.