Ingredients identification, physico-chemical and hptlc evaluation of Shatavari Narayana taila
Background: Shatavari Narayana Taila is mentioned in Ayurvedic classics as a therapeutic formulation to treat Vandhyatva. Shatavari Narayana Taila contains 48 ingredients and base is Tila Taila. All the ingredients have Vata pacifying properties. Materials and Methods: Powders of all ingredients were evaluated for their organoleptic study and finished product which is Shatavari Narayana Taila was evaluated for pharmaceutical analysis. Results: Results obtained in pharmaceutical parameters of Shatavari Narayana Taila like Acid value 9.766 %, Refractive index 1.4830, Iodine value 60.623, Saponification value 21.6711, Specific gravity 0.9148 etc., are within limit mentioned by Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. High performance thin layer chromatography profile of Shatavari Narayana Taila showed similarities in number of spots. Conclusion: From this study, developed data can be espoused for laying down the standards for Shatavari Narayana Taila.