Garbhini Paricharya means caring for the pregnant women in the form of Ahara (diet), Vihara (life style), Oushada (medications) and Paramarsh (counselling) and preparing her for Sukhaprasava, both mentally and physically. As the Garbha (foetus) is a small form of Purusha, the birth and growth of the child depends upon the food and actions of the mother. The food taken by a pregnant woman, nourishes and helps the growth of the foetus, nourishes the mother's own body and helps in the development of the breasts for breast milk formation. Garbhini Paricharya is a monthly regimen which is broadly discussed under three headings: a. Masanumasikapathya (Month wise dietary regimen) b. Garbhopaghathakara Bhavas (Activities and substances which are harmful to foetus) c. Garbhasthapaka Dravyas (Substances beneficial for maintenance of pregnancy). The main aim of Garbhini Paricharya are 1) To protect fetus from known /unknown hazards. 2) To promote normal growth and development of fetus 3) To conduct normal delivery without any foetal and maternal complications. Thus, great importance has been given to Garbhini Paricharya in our classics. Ayurvedic principles through the concept of Garbhini Paricharya improve the physical and psychological condition of the pregnant woman and make their body suitable for Sukhaprasava and helps to sustain the exhaustion of Prasava. Hence, proper Garbhini Paricharya should be followed throughout pregnancy.
Keywords: Antenatal Care, Garbhini Paricharya, Garbhopaghathakara Bhavas, Masanumasikapathya, Sukha Prasava