Even though varieties of synthetic hair care products are available in the market, the consumer requires eco-friendly, natural and environmentally safe cosmeceuticals without producing any side effects. Herbal plants are the richest sources of antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and other components like gallic acid, saponins, amino acids, elemental sulfur, enzymes, mucilage, flavonoid, tannins, essential oils, polysaccharides and other phytoconstituents. In traditional knowledge itself number of plant parts were used for protecting skin and number of herbs were used for hair care preparation like cucumber, burdock, marigold, watercress, daisy flower, witch hazel, hops, birch, amla, arnica, gentian, fir, Indian cress, rosemary, sage, Jatamansi, Shikakai, Henna, horsetail, thyme etc have been mentioned in ancient literature
In this research project we have formulated and evaluated herbal hair oil which consists of main ingredients hibiscus, Amla, fenugreek seeds. Compared with commercial cosmeceuticals the herbo-cosmeceutical preparation is more potent, safe, enhanced in activity and without any side effects. So the present work is aimed to develop the herbo-cosmeceutical formulations that can comply with the requirement or consumer’s expectations. Herbal medicines are thus a valuable as well as a precious gift from nature, which should be handled with care and respect. The future trend is more towards everything “Natural” and it might be worthwhile looking into the plant world for modern medicine.