Fluorescence analysis, UV-Vis analysis and HPTLC study of Adansonia digita
Background:Medicinal plants are important part of Indian system of medicine. Medicinal plants are used for preparation of millions of preventive and curative medicines. Adansonia digitata is also one of such plants having great medicinal value.
Objective: Adansonia digitata is a well-known plant in the traditional medicinal system and it has been employed for the treatment of various diseases. So, the present study was aimed to explore the plant by means of fluorescence study, UV-VIS spectroscopic and HPTLC study.
Material andMethods: The present work focused on some of the standardizing parameters used to assess the quality parameters of polyherbal formulation. The root bark, stem bark, leaf and fruit of Adansonia digitata were analyzed for fluorescence activity, UV-VIS spectroscopy and HPTLC study respectively.
Observation andResults:The results of the study revealed multifaceted fluorescence character has been displayed by plant extract. The UV-VIS spectrum showed different peaks ranging from 200-800nmwith different absorption respectively. HPTLC study shows similar spectra were obtained at Rf0.02 in all extract, at Rf 0.12 in root bark and stem bark extract, at Rf 0.37 in stem bark and fruit extract, at Rf0.54 in stem bark and leaf extract and at 0.72 Rf in stem bark and fruit extract was obtained.
Conclusion: The results confirm the fact that this plant posses important bioactive constituents useful for our health, so further scientific investigation is needed.