Psoriasis is non-infectious chronic inflammatory disease of skin characterized by well-defined erythematous plaques with silvery scale which have a predilection for extensor surface and scalp and by chronic fluctuating course. The disease not only affects the patient physically but also disturbs the mental and social health of the patient, as the appearance of patient may be embarrassing. According to W.H.O. the world-wide prevalence of Psoriasis is 2-3% (April, 2013). In India prevalence of Psoriasis varies from 0.44 to 2.88%. In Ayurveda all skin diseases are described under the umbrella of Kushtha. Ekakushtha is one of the Kshudra Kustha described in Ayurvedic text. In Charak Samhita Chikitsasthan chapter 7, Ekakushtha is described as Vat - Kaphaj disease. Ekakushtha has signs and symptoms i.e. Aswedanam (absence of sweating), Mahavastu (big size lesions) and Matsyashakalopamam (scaling) which can be compared with Psoriasis. The exact aetiology of Psoriasis is not known but many precipitating factors like genetic, dietary, immunological and psychological has been found. It is spreading fast because of unsuitable life-style changes such as dietary pattern, busy schedule and stress. There is no satisfactory treatment available for Psoriasis. Ayurveda has good results in Psoriasis. In ayurveda repeated Shodhan Chikitsa and Shaman Yogas are mentioned in treatment of Kushtha. In this case study first Rukshana- Pachan then Virechana Karma as Shodhan Chikitsa and Shaman Yoga were given, which showed good results in Psoriasis. Pachan leads to Aampachan, Shodhan removes Vruddha (vitiated) Doshas from the body. Shaman stabilises Doshas in our body.
KEYWORDS: Ekakushtha, Shodhan, Shaman, Pachan, Psoriasis