Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic multi-system disease, with characteristic features of persistent inflammatory synovitis that usually involve peripheral joints in symmetric distribution. RA is correlated with Amavata mentioned in Ayurveda. “Amavata” is a disorder of Madhyam Roga Marga along with the involvement of Asthivaha and Rasavaha strotas. It is derived from two major pathogenic constituents – “Ama” and “Vata” i.e it is due to vitiation of Vata dosha and Ama. The line of treatment of Amavata includes Langhan, Swedana, Virechana, Snehpana, Basti, Deepaniya Dravya And Katu – Tikta Rasa Dravya. Case study: A female Patient of 57 year with the complaints of multiple joint pain and swelling since 4 years, Morning stiffness for 2 hours, incomplete evacuation of bowel and gastric distension in abdomen. Associated symptoms were body ache, stiffness and tenderness at joints. Laboratory investigation showed that RA factor was positive (RA test titer 229.50. CRP was raised upto 47.21 mg/ dl. ESR was also raised (105 mm after 1 h by Wintrob's method). She was treated with Sunthi- Guduchi siddha Jala, Ruksha Baluka Swedana, Vaishvanar churna, Sinhanada Guggul, Rasnasaptak kwatha for the period of 8th weeks with followup of every two weeks. Result: Patient showed significant improvement in subjective parameters like Angarmarda, Aruchi, Trushna, Alasya, Gaurav, Jwara, Sandhishotha, Sandhishoola, Sandhistambha and also in parametric variables (Das 28 score, Disability index score, Walking time(for 25 feet distance), Hand grip pressure (in mm Hg), Foot pressure (in kg), RA, CRP, ESR. Conclusion: With apt application of Ayurveda principles good results can be seen. In this study, the above said treatment has received positive response towards subjective and objective parameters. This is effect seen in this case and needs more studies to substantiate effect of Ayurveda treatment in amavata (RA).
KEYWORDS: Amavata, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sinhanada guggul, Baluka sweda, Rasnasaptak