Woman who has just delivered a baby followed by the expulsion of placenta is called Sootika or “Period following child birth during which the body tissues, especially the pelvic organs revert back approximately to the pre pregnant state, both anatomically and physiologically.” Sootika Kala is mostly taken as one and half months from delivery. World Maternal Mortality Rate is estimated to be 400 per 100000 live births. It is essential to find out a solution for improving maternal health by incorporating the knowledge of Sootika Paricharya. Ayurveda elucidate due importance for care of female in every stage of life reflected as Rajaswala Paricharya, Garbhini Paricharya and Sootika Paricharya. Aims and objectives: Prevention of infection, prevent the incidence of excessive bleeding, relief in body pain and weakness, enhancing the production of breast milk, correcting digestive troubles and repairing and toning up of muscles. Results: Acharya Kashyapa prescribed Deshanusrtha Sootika Paricharya and also advised to do this according to Ritu, Dosha, and Prakriti of woman. This helps in Garbhashayashudhi, Dhatu Paripurnata, Stanyavridhi and Punarnaveekarana of body and replenish the Dhatus, increase Ojah, improve Vyadhikshamatwa, maintain proper lactation, help in healthy well-being of newborn and health of mother is regained. Conclusion: Ample changes occurs in Prasava-Avastha due to Chala Dosha, Kleda Rakta Nisruti, Dhatukshaya and Shunyata of the body after the delivery. Mild derangement can cause life threatening complication to the mother and the baby. Hence extreme care should be taken during pregnancy and puerperium.