Priyanka D Ahire1, Sameer S Wakchaure2
Leprosy is common in many countries worldwide, and in temperate, tropical, and subtropical climates. Approximately 100 cases per year are diagnosed in the United States. Leprosy is characterized by disfiguring skin sore, nerve damage, and progressive debilitation. Leprosy is caused by a bacterium which affects various parts of the body particularly the skin and nerves. Leprosy is difficult to transmit and has a long incubation period. Children are more susceptible than adults. Effective medications exist, and isolation of victims in "leper colonies" is unnecessary. The emergence of drug-resistant Mycobacterium leprae, as well as increased numbers of cases worldwide, has led to global concern about this disease. Early diagnosis reduces leprosy symptoms and complications. In this article, efforts have been taken to discuss pathophysiology symptoms and treatment of leprosy. The aim of this review is to make people aware of the complications of leprosy which can be prevented by taking preventive measures by educating the people about this disease and gives the idea about the herbal treatment of leprosy that would be beneficial for people.
Key words: Disfiguring, progressive debilitation, leper colonies, leprosy, Mycobacterium leprae.