Background: According to ayurveda the concepts of beauty is optimal health, it explains the concepts of skin by detailing it with seven layers of which the first one Avabhasini functions to reflect color and complexion which is nourished by Rasa Dhathu. The opinion of different Acharyas includes various factors for improving beauty in the concept of Agni, Dinacharya, Rithu Charya, Pathyahara. Charak Samhita classified cosmetics drugs as Varnya (fairness), Kustagna (antihistaminic), Kandugna (antipruritus), Vayasthapak (antiageing), Udarda Prasamana, etc. Many Alepam (poultice) Pradeha, Upnaha, Anjana,Taila are described in Susruta Samhita and Astanga Hrudaya in the context of Twakroga. The very common medicines are - Kunkumadi Taila, Bhringaraj Taila, Dashangalepam, Chandanadi Lepam, Yashti Ghruta, Jatyadi Taila, etc. are very well-established medicine in Ayurveda. Conclusion: Ayurveda believes that stress, fear, any other negative thought or emotion or any other major diseases can hamper skin’s natural glow and shine. Thus, Panchakarma therapy, Rasayan Therapy and "Achara Rasayan" should be adopted to keep oneself fit and healthy at all ages. This review may help cosmetic and personal care industry, marketers and modern scientists understand various different trends in the field of cosmetology through Ayurevda.
KEYWORDS: Cosmetology, Ayurveda, Varnya, Hair care, skin care