Ayurveda's core principle is to maintain the health of healthy indsthasividuals and treat those who are ill. "Ritu" means season, and "Charya" means guidelines, together forming a seasonal guide for healthy living. The year is divided into two phases (Ayan) of six months each, with three seasons (Ritus) in each phase. Uttarayan includes Shishir, Vasant, and Grishm, while Dakshinayan consists of Varsha, Sharad, and Hemant. Ritu-Haritaki is part of Ritu-charya, where Haritaki powder is taken with different adjuvants according to the season, known as Ritu Haritaki. Aacharya Charak emphasized its rejuvenative properties in the Chikitsasthan section of the Charak Samhita. According to this text, Ritu Haritaki is a Rasayan (rejuvenator) suitable for use in every season, though the accompanying substance (Anupana dravya) should vary. Haritaki possesses all tastes (rasas) except salty (Lavan Ras). When used with different Anupana dravyas in various seasons, it balances the doshas, restores impaired digestion (agni) to its proper state, and maintains the health of bodily tissues (dhatu) and waste products (mala), leading to rejuvenation (rasayana).
For example: In the Rainy season (Varsha Ritu), Haritaki is taken with rock salt (Saindhava Lavana).In Autumn (Sharad Ritu), it is taken with sugar (Sharkara).In Early winter (Hemanta Ritu), it is taken with dry ginger (Shunthi).In Winter (Shishira Ritu), it is taken with long pepper (Pippali).In Spring (Vasanta Ritu), it is taken with honey (Madhu).In Summer (Grishma Ritu), it is taken with jaggery. This practice naturally detoxifies the body. Given the current need to enhance immunity, it is crucial to be aware of and follow the Ritu Haritaki method as described in the Samhita Granths.
Ayurveda, Ritucharya, Ritu Haritaki.