Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Tab. Dermatol, Tab. ItchSAL, and Syp. Mahamanjishthadi Kwath in the treatment of psoriasis at Orthoved Hospital. A total of 100 patients diagnosed with psoriasis were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 received Tab. Dermaton, Group 2 received Tab. ItchSAL and Group 3 received Syp. Mahamanjishthadi Kwath. All groups were treated for 12 weeks, and the outcome was measured using the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) score and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). The study results showed that all three treatment groups significantly improved the PASI score and DLQI compared to the baseline. However, the highest efficacy was observed in Group 1, which received Tab. Dermaton, with a 75% improvement in PASI and DLQI scores. Group 2, which received Tab. ItchSAL showed a 60% improvement in PASI and DLQI scores, and Group 3, which received Syp. Mahamanjishthadi Kwath showed a 50% improvement in PASI and DLQI scores. Therefore, Tab. Dermaton, Tab. ItchSAL, and Syp. Mahamanjishthadi Kwath can be considered effective in the treatment of psoriasis, with Tab. Dermaton showed the highest efficacy among the three treatments.
KEYWORDS: Psoriasis, Dermaton, Itch. SAl, Scaling, Orhtoved Hospital