Infertility is defined as an inability to conceive a pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 60 to 80 million couples worldwide currently suffer from infertility. Though the prevalence of infertility has been increased in the recent era, but the concept of Vandhyatva (Infertility) is recognized since the Vedic period. Case report: A 25-years female patient with her husband aged 28 years residing at Jamnagar reported the OPD of Prasuti Tantra Evam Streeroga, ITRA, Jamnagar with the complaints of failure to conceive since 6 years even after having unprotected coital history. She had associated complaints of irregular and delayed menstruation since menarche (13 years). Her menstrual cycle was of 1 day/ 35-40 days, painful, irregular and scanty. Obstetric history was nil. Ultrasonography reports revealed that uterus was slightly bulky in size with anteverted position. Poly cystic ovaries was significantly present in this patient. Patient was having anovulatory cycles. Hormonal profile was normal. Husbands’ semen analysis was normal. Patients HSG report showed patent tubes. Patient was given Deepana–Pachana and Koshtha Shuddhi drugs for three days from the third day of Menses, after that Rasnadi Niruha Basti was administered to patient for 16 days for 2 consecutive cycles. Result: Patient achieved ovulation in both cycles of treatment and conceived in the 2nd cycle. She was advised to follow Garbhini Paricharya. Conclusion: This case supports the importance of Vata Dosha in management of infertility and also emphasizes the significance of Basti Karma for ovulation. Further large-scale clinic trial scan be helpful for drawing further conclusions.
Keywords: Vandhyatva, Rasnadi Basti, ovulation, Infertility