Background: Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of Aedes egypti mosquito. When musculoskeletal symptoms persist for more than 12 weeks, it is referred as chronic chikungunya arthritis/ arthralgia (CCA). Arthritic manifestations can last for weeks, months, or even years. Several indigenous drugs have been described in Ayurveda for the management of inflammation, fever and other diseases. Case study: A 37 years old female patient with complaints of Multiple joints pain with stiffness since 1 ½ years. The mainly affected joints were Bilateral shoulder joint pain, knee joint pain, ankle joint pain, wrist and interphalangeal joint pain. Mild swelling was experienced on wrist, phalanges, and ankle joint. Morning stiffness lasts for 2 to 3 hours on affected joints, Myalgia, and Feverish feel occasionally. Her investigation showed increases CRP and ESR values. Treatment administered was Tab. Laxminarayan Rasa Vati 250 mg thrice a day with Anupana of Ardaraka Swaras for duration of 2 months. Result: Significant result was observed in symptomatic relief as well as in raised CRP and ESR Values. Conclusion: Ayurvedic perspective of this disease resembles with Sandhig Jwara, Aamvaat, Dhatugat Jwara, Saam Jwara & Upastambhit Vatvyadhi. Laxminarayan Rasa Vati is effective in PCA due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antipyretic, anti-arthritic, rejuvenating, anti-rheumatic effects. Keywords: Post chikunguniya Arthralgia, Laxminarayan Rasa, Dhatugat Jwara, Chikunguniya.