Abstract: Male infertility is one of the burning problems now a days and incidences of this problem increases day by day due to the disturbed pattern of living style. The Oligozoospermia is one of the conditions related to male infertility which associated with low sperm count. Ayurveda the science of Indian medical system described various terms related to male infertility such as; Kshina Shukra, Kshina Retasa, Alpa Retasa and Shukra Dosha which resembles conditions associated with oligozoospermia. Ayurveda also described various treatment modalities for the management of oligozoospermia such as use of herbs & formulation, conduction of balanced life style and diet control, etc. This article presented a conclusive review on ayurveda perspective of oligozoospermia and its management.
Keywords: Oligospermia, Ksheena Shukra, Kseena Retasa, Shukra Dosha