Sristi utpatikram (evolution process) is always the centre point of discussion among scholars. There are theories regarding Sristi utpatikram according to the Vaisheshik, Samkhya, Susruta, Charaka Samhita, and modern concept. One should be clear about Prakriti, Purusa, Mahat (intellect), Ahamkara (ego), five Jnanendriyas (sense organs), five subtle elements (Tanmatras) and five gross elements (Bhutas) are the twenty-five basic factors and knowledge of these factors is the only answer which provides the help and freeness from bondage.1 Out of these twenty-five factors, thirteen are eliminators and disclosers. Their objects are Adhibhautika (material) while they are Adhyatmika (Spiritual), and Adhyatmika (divine).2 The Samkhya distinction between Purusa and Prakriti is fundamental that between subject and the object. The Subject can never be the object and the object can never be the subject. Samkhya system asks, what is the cause of these objects and how did they come about what is the ultimate stuff of which the various objects of the world are constituted? According to the modern concept, the knowledge of human origin or Purush arises from different fragmentary evidence available from many disciplines. It can be pre-assessed from various clues, presently; it is available from the study of fossils that are in extinct forms. In this study, we will discuss the Sristi Utpatikram (evolution process) according to different Ayurveda classics.