Introduction: Ayu, is described in Ayurveda as the union of the body, soul, mind, and senses. Fast food has caused changes or irregularities in diet and timing, and a sedentary lifestyle has disrupted the digestive system, leading to a host of diseases, including disorders related to digestion and absorption. Grahani is an Agni Adhisthana, a functionally weak Agni that results in improper food digestion and Grahani Roga. Thus, reviewing the Grahani concept is the main objective of this article. Material and Methods: Available literature related to Grahani were searched from available printed form of Samhita, and various text books, journals, web-based search engines source were referred for updated research data. Results: Situated above the umbilical region of Nabhi, Grahani is the seat (Adhisthana) of Agni. Grahani is the sixth Kala, also known as Pitta Dhara Kala, and it is located between Amashaya and Pakwashaya. Given the anatomical location of Amashaya and Pakwashaya, the duodenum, along with the ileum, caecum, and pyloric sphincter, can be regarded as Grahani. Because the Grahani secretes Achcha Pitta and the Amla Bhava of Ahara comes from the stomach, the digestion that takes place is extremely significant. Given its role in the Dharana of Anna in the stomach, Pylorus and the duodenum may be considered organs of Grahani. The function of Grahani depends upon Agni and impairment of Agni cause the disease. Conclusion: Based on current regional and applied anatomy, the duodenum and Grahani are related. The retention of food in Amashaya for Sarabhaga's digestion and absorption is attributed to Grahani.
Agni, Amashaya, duodenum, Grahani, Pitta Dhara Kala