Every pregnancy should be by choice and not by chance is the main concept of preconception care. Ayurveda is philosophical knowledge of life. It is not only a medicine system it is a holistic way of life that take care of all the aspect of human. The main aim of Ayurveda is maintain health of healthy person & cure the disease of diseased. In Present life style, there has been drastic change in the day to day activities including life style, food habits, medication, environmental population, occupational hazards. It increases the stress which is major cause of infertility. Preconception care is an opportunity for couple to improve their health before they start trying for a baby. It involves finding and taking care of any problems that might affect the couple and their baby in future. The couple has to undergo Snehana, Swedana, Shodhana(Virechana); after restoring to natural state, Asthapana and Anuwasana Vasti(Yoga Vasti) is given. The male is given Madhura drugs processed with milk and the female is given Tila (oil), Masha (black gram) etc. In the process of Garbhadhana some important factors such as Garbha Sambhava Samagri, Ayu (Age criteria), Ritukala, Rajaswala Charya, Diet (Pathya- Apathya before conception), Garbhadhana Vidhi and Postures etc. All these activities result in an increased chance of conception and outcome of a child with desire qualities.