Priyanka yadav, Prof. O.P. Singh, Dr J.P. Singh, Dr Lokesh yadav
A Critical Review of Dadru w.s.r. Tinea infections
All the skin diseases in Ayurveda have been classified under the broad heading of Kustha which are further categorized in to Mahakustha and Kṣudrakustha. Dadru is a type of Kustha that comes under both due to its quick invading nature. On the basis of symptomatology Dadru is compared with 'Dermatophytosis'. Dermatophytosis are considered as Tinea infections. They are also named according to the body site involved. It is called ringworm because the itchy, red rash has a ring like appearance. Aims of present study are to scrutinize the available literature for related conditions Dadru in Ayurveda & Tinea infections in contemporary science.