Holistic biology of Ayurveda is based on Triguna, Tanmatra, Tridosh, Saptadhatu, Oja, Agni, Ama and Srotas. In Ayurveda Srotas plays a major role. Acharyas explained purusha as assumed to be made of innumerable Srotas. The equilibrium of dosha, dhathu and mala maintains health. To maintain continuity in the life cycle, these bodily elements have to be continuously regulated, nourished and replenished. Srotas are the channels or inner transport system of the body which is the site for the activities of other bodily elements like dosha, dhathu, mala, agni, etc. Ayurvedic Acharyas have described that the entire range of life processes in health and disease depends on integrity of the srotas system which is prone to lose its integrity due to out of order lifestyle and faulty food. In Ayurvedic classics the term Srotas is used as dynamic transport system of body-mind-spirit organization in addition to circulatory system. Among these some Srotas are micro and some are macro in structure and they adopt the same colour of particular dhathus of the body to which they belong. In Ayurvedic classics, it has been described that the entire range of life process in health and disease depends on the integrity of Srotas. Therefore the present article is an attempt to study the fundamental facts of Srotas.
Keywords: Ayurveda, channels, dhatu parinaman, pathways, poshyadhatu, Srotas, transport.