Introduction: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a challenging and gradually progressing condition that can lead to significant disability. People with symptomatic AS may experience a decrease in their ability to work, leading to job loss, and a diminished quality of life.1. Sacroiliitis one of the earliest manifestations of AS and site of ligamentous attachment to bone (enthesis) is primary site of pathology. Material and methods: Here we are reporting a case of AS with a 6 month history of pain and stiffness in B/L ankle joint, shoulder joint, hip joint and pain and stiffness in lower back associated with difficulty in walking. Based on his signs and symptoms he was considered as a case of Amavata according to Ayurveda and was successfully managed with Shaman Chikitsa on OPD basis for 6 months with internal medicines and dietary and lifestyle modification. The patient's state was evaluated for signs and symptoms of Amavata and assessment was done according to ASAS (Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society) criteria. This study suggests that Ayurvedic therapy could effectively treat cases of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Result: The patient reported clinically significant improvement in pain, stiffness and swelling in all joints. By the end of treatment, the need of conventional analgesics drugs was not felt by the patient. The quality of life of the patient was improved significantly.
Keywords: Ankylosing spondylitis, Amavata, Ayurveda.